miércoles, 4 de marzo de 2009

A Call for Questions

Dear Readers,

I want to interview Venezuelans using your questions related to Venezuela´s culture, economy and political climate. Please email me questions or write them in the comments section of this entry. These are some of the questions that I have received so far:
  1. "How does the typical Venezuelan maintain close family relationships and raise adults with good values? Are they largely Church based in their approach to life or non-faith based?" -Marcia
  2. "How well informed and concerned is the average Venezuelan about environmental issues such as global warming, loss of habitat for animals and plants, over population, ecological degradation, genetic manipulation of our food supply, etc. etc?"-Marcia
  3. "Why this anti-semitic eruption. Are the people against the Jews-Israel or is this a political ploy of the government. What is the history of anti-semitismin V?" -Terry
  4. "Overall, do you feel that the USA has been a force for good or a force for oppression within central and South America ?" -Richard

Please keep the questions coming! I would love my interviews to be as dynamic as possible. Thanks.

Un abrazo,


PS: Keep reading below in case you have not read my recent entry about Carnaval.

1 comentario:

  1. I'd be interested to ask about what "nationalization" means to people (of different education levels, political persuasions, etc.) there, particularly given our current domestic debates on the issues.
